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Honley CSI Training Centre Visits Greenhead College, Huddersfield

Forensic Supplies | Staff Development and Training | A Forensic Approach to Building Teams
Published by Dr Steven Dobrowski in News and Views · 18 June 2013
Tags: GreenheadCollegeCSICentreHonley

Hosted by
Greenhead College as part of their 2013 PAWS event, staff from the Honley CSI Centre delivered a two-day event showing students how different the worlds and work of the forensic scientist and the crime scene examiner really are. Around 20 students at the close of their first year of Advanced Level studies took part in examining a multi-part simulated crime scene to recover physical evidence which they were later to explore to show whether or not one or more suspects could be placed at the crime scene at the time the crime took place. As the two days proceeded, students became increasingly aware of several key forensic issues which had potentially enormous implications on the interpretation of evidence, and they learned that even the most unexpected item of evidence, if left behind at the scene, can have far-reaching iimplications for the success of the case. Remember Jack, it's the little things in life that really matter!!

We run training events for Teachers and thir students at frequent times throughout the year both in and out of term times. For more information about our training events or to request a course, please call us (01484 312201) or get in touch though our contact form.

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