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We've been delivering training in crime scene examination and forensic investigation since 1994.
Our staff are skilled practitioners and communicators and have a wealth of experience applying the principles of forensic investigation in the workplace, helping managers in businesses of all sizes to develop their staff, identify leaders, and build and get the very best out of their teams through training tailored to their needs.
So enter the crime scene ...
No two crime scenes are ever exactly the same, yet all need to be processed in ways that lead ultimately to the correct recovery and preservation of physical evidence. Do something wrong, and the evidence is likely to be lost, and worse still, the perpetrator gets away with crime. There is but one opportunity to get it right, and the pressure to achieve this outcome can be significant. Throw in to this scenario the mix of people, their personalities, attitudes, and skills, and the need for each to work effectively with those who may not see things quite as they do under demanding conditions and non-ideal circumstances, and the scene is set for some interesting group dynamics.
SOCO / CSI training
In the workplace, training is about helping individual people gain deeper knowledge (about their own role/job, and that of their colleagues) and new skills to help improve their performance and contribution at work, whereas development is more about helping them take on new duties and responsibilites in preparation for (sometimes before) a change of role or promotion as part of career development. Given that effective teams will almost always outperform people working individually, it becomes essential for managers to foster a culture of effective collaboration by building teams that work well together, to understand the many issues that can get in the way, and to deal with them. Such issues include ...
  • Effective Collaboration
  • Lateral Thinking
  • Problem Solving
  • Communication Skills
  • Taking Responsibility
  • Challenging “The Management”
  • Understanding the Chain of Command
  • Prioritising Tasks
  • Goal Setting
  • Managing Expectations
  • Decision Making
  • Dealing with Mistakes
  • Dealing with Conflict
  • Dealing with Poor Performance
  • Working under Pressure
  • Recognising Limitations
  • Handling Uncertainty
  • Leading by Example
  • Rewarding and Motivating Colleagues
  • and many more

TEACHER TRAINING (Continuing Professional Development)
Our CPD forensic courses and crime scene courses for teachers deliver a taste of what it is forensic scientists and crime scene examiners do on a daily basis. They will enable you to understand some of the issues these professionals meet in real casework, and provide hands-on experience of forensic practice through laboratory exercises and mock scenarios. Our courses will also enable you to identify ways in which you can create new activities for your own students.

Call us to find out more about our CPD courses for teachers.


With forensic courses and crime scene courses for all Key Stages of the National Curriculum, we can give young sleuths a real taste of what hands-on forensic examinations and crime scene investigations are really like, and we can do this either in your own school or college, or as a trip away to a university campus. Our courses can be tailored to your requirements, including any educational targets embedded within a programme of study (e.g, the BTEC First Certificate in Forensic Science).

Call us to find out more about our courses for students.


We have years of experience in providing full health and safety, and risk management training to the professions. And we also carry out full assessment of hazards and risks for any procedure or activity in the examination of crime scenes and in the laboratory-based forensic investigation of physical evidence. Examples are available on our health and safety web pages.

Call us to discuss ways in which we can help you meet you health and safety obligations.


We have significant experience in developing taught provision for university courses and postgraduate training in the forensic sciences, and have had involvement in their validation against national Quality Assurance Procedures in several HE institutions. We have occasionally also worked collaboratively with HE in evaluating training provision for the accreditation of training delivered by the NPIA.

We can assist by:

  • Designing and developing your training programmes

  • Evaluating your programmes against national QA standards

  • Working with you towards bids for the accreditation of your training programmes

Call us to find out more about how we can help you develop your own training programmes.

The Winning Tream
Recovering trace evidence
Is this a Teacher Learning?
Learning Forensic Science is Fun
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